Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen May I Have Your Attention Please...

I DID IT! Ok, ok let me explain. I am going to start out with my GOOD news before I make some CONFESSIONS! So I ran a mile today...the whole thing...WITHOUT walking an ounce! I've figured out the key for my running career...I need to run REALLY REALLY slow. But that's ok. So the other times I've run I have had to run and walk run and walk. But this morning I was like "HEY, Carrie maybe you should run a little slower (.5-.7 MPH slower) and you could possibly run the whole mile." So I responded to my schizophrenic voice and said "good idea!" and that's just what I did. So yay me I ran a mile and didn't stop.
Now that I have praised myself I have a few confessions to make. It is now THURSDAY and I have not run at all this week. I DID walk on Sunday and Monday...Jeff and I go on Sunday walks anyway and I was just supposed to walk for 30-60 min and I figured it wasn't exercise because I planned on going out with Jeff anyway. Well Monday was a walk day too so I went on a 30 min walk. Well Tuesday morning I woke up and let's just say after a year I am a normal girl again. I spent ALL DAY in bed on Tuesday wallowing in myself pity (come on we all have this happen once a month but it had been a whole YEAR) I felt comatose. I barely took care of Riley. I seriously just laid in the fetal position all day. Well yesterday I had to work but after I dropped Jeff off at the busstop I came home and got back into bed AGAIN for another 4 hours. I am HORRIBLE. I was DETERMINED to run. Look at my great accomplishment! Anyway...I'll be better next week now that I'm not dying :)

1 comment:

Marc Gingell said...

Okay, let me just tell you that I would KILL to lay in bed like that all day. :) I wish my baby still allowed it...the older 3 can pretty much fend for themselves if I am too tired. As it is I usually get up and change a diaper, get some milk for the babe and crawl back in bed for as long as I possibly can! ;) You rock for the mile!!!!