Sunday, June 1, 2008


Last night after our grand adventures we made our way back home. I knew I needed to run and really didn't want to. It had been a long day and I was tired but I knew I HAD to. I took advantage of Jeff being home and decided to run outside. I used that course tracker link and found a course that would not kill me and but be a little longer. I chose a course that was about 1.25 miles. It was a 1/4 of a mile longer than what I had been running on the treadmill. So I set a stopwatch on my phone and hit the road! I ran for a little while (I don't know how long or far exactly because I didn't have anything on me) but I ran more than I walked. It felt good. The nice thing about running outside is you HAVE to run or walk you can' just quit. If you do quit there is no way to get home :) So when I made it home I looked at my timer. I was a little slow. But it was a new experience and again time shouldn't matter...the fact I am doing this is what counts.

1 comment:

Lori said...

seriously. i think that's the only way we ever trained a completed a marathon. on our 20 milers we'd go out 10 miles and come back 10 miles. it's an excellent way to train for ANY race. the treadmills are sooo tempting for me, you can just pull that little "stop" plug out and wala! your workout is complete! when you're out on a loop course, you kinda want to swear when you get tired, cause you know no matter what... you have to keep moving to get back home! good plan!!!

way to get out and run!